Interested in scheduling an appearance? Please contact Amanda via this site. She is available for speaking events or appearances at book clubs, meet and greets, senior centers, community events and organizations.
Coming up: Speaking Event "My Journey as Writer of the Bold Women Series" Golden Valley Federated Women's Club Golden Valley Country Club Golden Valley, MN. Thursday, March 14th 2023
Interview with Amanda Hughes Rosepoint
Publishing, Sunday, March 17th, 2019 Part of "Reading Ireland Month"
"A Deeper Look at The Grand Masquerade" Center City Women's Book Club Sunday, July 20th, 2018 Center City, MN.
"Empowering Women Through the Bold Women Series" Guest speaker at the state convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs 11 a.m. April 21st, 2018 Best Western Plus 2101 S. Broadway New Ulm, Minnesota, 56073
Amanda's Latest Novel Has Been Released! The Looking Glass Goddess-Grab it now by clicking here!
Interview with Amanda on Tuesday, December 15th, 2016 on Historical Romance Review with Regan Walker. Also her review of The Pride of the King Interview and review here.
The release of Amanda's latest book, Vagabond Wind Look for it on Amazon the week of September 20th, 2015
Milaca Fine Arts Council Meet and Greet Author Amanda Hughes Saturday, February 21st, 2015 1-3pm Milaca Art Center 170 2nd Ave. S.W. Milaca, MN. 56353
Celtic Collaborative Presents The Harp and Loon Literary Bridges between Ireland and Minnesota Friday, November 14th, 2014, 7 p.m. Dayton Ave. Presbyterian Church 917 Mackubin St. St. Paul, MN. $8.00 at the door, $6.00 presale Amanda will be reading from The Sword of the Banshee and there will be a dramatic presentation of a scene from Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry
The Grand Masquerade has released! Get it on E-book or Paperback
Book Release The release of Amanda's latest historical novel, The Grand Masquerade is scheduled for the week of October 5th, 2014
The Irish Fair of Minnesota Amanda will be in the Literary Corner both Saturday and Sunday, August 9th and 10th,2014 until 6 p.m. She will be signing books and doing readings. More information later.
Malarkey-Radio with an Irish Accent KFAI-Live Radio Interiew Amanda will be discussing her adventures in writing and sharing music that inspires her. Click on upcoming shows at
Monday at April 14th 7:30pm (CST) on KFAI 90.3FM Minneapolis or 106.7 FM St. Paul and streaming on
An Irish Literary Reading-In Celebration of St. Pat's Amanda will be reading from The Sword of the Banshee Merlins Rest 3601 E. Lake Street Mpls. MN. 55406 Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 6:30-8p.m.
The Irish Fair of Minnesota
Amanda will be in the Literary Corner all day, until 6pm Saturday and Sunday, August 1oth and 11th to sign books. She will be giving readings Saturday at 11:30 and 3:30 and Sunday at 1:30.
Also Don't Miss: Presentation by Amanda Hughes "Irish Pirate Queen: Grace O'Malley" 2p.m. at the Speaker's Stage August 11th, 2013
and "Irish Women in Early America" Celtic Chat Table August 11th, 2013 11 a.m. Harriet Island, St. Paul, MN.
Writing Historical Novels Presentation at Calvary Center Apartments Thursday, June 13th, 2013 1:30 p.m.
Mall of America-Caribou Coffee St. Patrick's Day Sunday, March 17th, 2013 Meet and Greet the Author Amanda Hughes 3rd Floor Caribou Coffee Mall of America 11a.m.-1pm.
Rough Cut Grill and Bar-Meet and Greet the Author Amanda Hughes Monday, March 4th, 2013 6:30-8:30 pm 19034 Hwy. 169 Milaca, MN. 56353
Meet and Greet the Author-Amanda Hughes Saturday, October 13th, 2012 1-3 p.m. Grass Roots Cooperative 1917 2nd Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303
Appearing at The Irish Fair August 12th, 2012 Harriet Island, St. Paul, MN. Book Chat-Writing Novels About Ireland Celtic Chat Table 11a.m. Presentation-The Irish in Early America-Speaker's Tent 12:30p.m.
The Irish Gazette A publication devoted to Irish culture, current events and the Irish-American experience August 2012 Writing Historical Fiction About the Irish in the 18th Century Article by Amanda Hughes
Festival of Authors and Artists-Sister Wolf Books Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 6-8pm Dorset, MN. 56470 218-732-7565
Meet and Greet the Author Amanda Hughes Saturday May 19th, 2012 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Caribou Coffee-Har Mar 2111 Snelling Avenue North Saint Paul, MN 55113
Book Chat and Presentation Thursday, May 10th, 2012 1p.m. Osborne Apartments 659 Osborne Road N.E. Spring Lake Park MN 55432 Followed by Book Chat and Presentation at 2:30 p.m. Wildwood Manor 2559 Moundsview Drive Mounds View, MN 55112
Meet and Greet the Author Amanda Hughes Saturday, April 21st, 2012 10 a.m. Caribou Coffee-Marketplace 3900 Market Place Drive NW Rochester, MN 55901
Meet and Greet the Author-Amanda Hughes Caribou Coffee 3rd Floor Mall of America Bloomington, MN. Saturday, March 17th 2012 10am-12pm
Meet and Greet the Author-Amanda Hughes Amazing Grace Bakery and Cafe Saturday, March 3rd 2012 10am-12pm 394 S. Lake Ave.Duluth, MN. 55802
Meet and Greet Book Presentation and Discussion-Amanda Hughes Monday, February, 13th 2012 2pm North Park Plaza Apartments 8201 45th Ave. New Hope, MN.
Upcoming Meet and Greet the Author-Please stop by! Saturday February, 11th 2012 from 10am-12pm Caribou Coffee 10400 Baltimore Street Northeast, Blaine, MN 55449(763) 792-4994
Meet and Greet Book Presentation and Discussion-Amanda Hughes Monday, February, 13th 2012 2pm North Park Plaza Apartments 8201 45th Ave. New Hope, MN.
Meet and Greet the Author Amanda Hughes Cuppa Java Penn and Cedar Lake Rd. Mpls., MN. Friday, Jan 6th 2012 6pm-8pm
Meet and Greet the Author Amanda Hughes Milaca Community Library Milaca, MN. Sat. November 19th, 2012 1pm-3pm
Live Radio Interview with Colleen McKinney KBEK Radio 95.5 F.M November 2011
The Harp and the Loon- Literary Bridges Between Minnesota and Ireland A Production of Celtic Collaborative Amanda with Bailey Hughes-scene from Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry November 14th 2014
Milaca Fine Arts Council Meet the Author event February 21, 2015
With Darlene and David at KFAI Radio for Malarkey Radio Guest Appearance
Siobhan and David-Hosts of Malarkey-Radio with an Irish Accent
Amanda's Presentation of The Irish Pirate Queen: Grace O'Malley The Irish Fair of Minnesota August 2013
Mall of America-St. Patrick's Day Meet and Greet the Author Sunday, March 17th, 2013
Meet and Greet at Rough Cut Grill and Bar in Milaca, MN. March 4th, 2013
October 13th, 2012
Here at the Meet and Greet at Grass Roots Cooperative in Anoka, MN.
with Lou, the brains behind the technology.
Book Club presentation in Mound, MN. Sept 25th, 2012
The Irish Fair-Harriet Island St. Paul, MN. August 12th 2012 Presentation-The Irish in Colonial America
Festival of Authors and Artists-Sister Wolf Books Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
With fellow writer, Wendy Potratz
St. Paul, MN. Meet and Greet Saturday, May 19th, 2012
Superman and Wonder Woman stopped by for the Meet and Greet. They were appearing at a neighboring comic book convention at the fair grounds.
Caribou Coffee Rochester, MN. Meet and Greet April 21st 2012
Caribou Coffee Meet and Greet in Blaine, MN. Saturday, February 11th, 2012
Caribou Coffee Blaine, MN. Meet and Greet
Meet and Greet the Author at The Milaca Community Library Saturday Nov. 19th 2011